19 October: Sowing This complex picture is dominated by a fortified city with a river running a.long its wall; the bi;,co~ouredclock ...faceon one ofthe buildings sltandsoutp-arricuIarly. On the quayside are washerwomen~ a group of men talking rohe cuscoms officers a.nd a. fisherman in a. pum1 while on the river there are two barges: one being ha.uleĀ·a by two men on the river ba.nk; the other being poled under the bridg~ on the right. In the fields spread out in the foreground (he sower' road... casts the grain$. the crows swoop down to peck at it and a bowman prepares to scarethemoff. The(bird ma.n isharrowingtbeground to covenhe seed. (F. J Ofl)