1,0 Calemlarfor May At dle top are Taurus and Gemini (the male and female twins shown here' rep.. resent Po lux and Helen, rather than the more usual Castor and Pollux). The figures in the bo:rde"r mustrate the feast days of St Philip and St James~ Sr John ante Portam Latinam (che Evangelist is snown in a c3uldt'on ofboiling oil, from which hereputedyemergedunscatbed),tbeApparitionofStMichael theArch.. ,anget St Bernardino ofSiena and 5t Felix I, pope andmanyr. Atme bottom is a milking scene with, at the right, a. milkmaid crossing a watde fence by a rudi... mentary stile. (F. 6r)