5 Match: Tilling the.fields Work.ing ba:ck from the foreground we see a ploughman with his team, two peasa.nts carrying baskets. ofmanure and two men digging with spade and pick; wh~le bebind them sowing and harrowing are going on and a shepherd minds h.is Rock. In the hazy distance are the towers and waifs ofa [OWll. The articulation of the composition heret and in plates II, 13, IS, 17,. 19 and 23'1 is derived via. the Limbourgs from Ambrogio Lorenzetti's fresco Good Government in the Pa auo Pubblico mSien<l.t but the Italian's borizontal juxtaposition of town aDd coumry is replaced by a. more hierarchical vĀ·ertical relationship (F.Jv)